
How Do You Sequence a Microbiome? 5 Steps Explained

Throughout the years, microbiology has continuously pushed the limits to test for, detect, and measure the microbes found in various environments. However, as the questions surrounding microbiology, and the role microbes play in various aspects of life, the methods in which microbes are tested for and measured needed to improve. One of these questions that...

5 Key Benefits of Amplicon Sequencing

Amplicon sequencing has been an integral methodology for microbiologists and microbiome researchers for decades; enabling the generation of whole community analysis of bacteria or fungi in any complex sample.  By amplifying conserved variable regions of either the 16S gene or ITS gene, microbial communities can be differentiated and measured with high sensitivity at relatively low...

The Role of Gut Microbes in Weight Loss

Losing weight is a burden for many while it may emerge as the simplest thing for others. A recent article published in the Washington Post suggests that the reason may be gut microbiome variation.  The article highlights a recently published paper in the Nature Communications journal that challenges the notion that all calories contribute equally...

Understanding the Microbiome and Malnutrition in Children

While the world is at the grasp of the global obesity epidemic, childhood malnutrition persists as a pressing issue.  A recent article published on National Geographic expressing expert opinion on a solution to malnutrition lies beyond providing sufficient calories and may involve the gut microbiome.  As a result, researchers have developed food supplements to enhance...

Understanding Skin Microbiome Variation From Infancy to Adulthood

Understanding the maturation of healthy skin during childhood has long been a subject of scientific interest. To address this knowledge gap, researchers conducted a comprehensive study in Germany, investigating skin parameters across various age groups.  The research team employed CosmosID for the skin microbiome sequencing, providing valuable insights into the maturation process.

Cancer and the Microbiome: What You Need To Know

The microbiome is the complex and diverse collection of microorganisms that live in, and on, our bodies. Recent research has revealed a strong connection between the microbiome and cancer, with many scientists believing that it plays an important role in both preventing and promoting cancer. As more studies are conducted into this intriguing relationship, understanding...

Microbiome Targeted Sequencing: Definition and How It Works

Have you heard of microbiome targeted sequencing? It’s a powerful tool for understanding the world around us, and it is becoming increasingly popular in the medical community. Microbiome targeted sequencing is a process that uses DNA sequencing to identify specific microbial communities in different environments. By targeting these microorganisms, scientists can better understand how they...

Advancements in biological and biomedical research are fueled by the analysis of vast, complex, integrated datasets, made possible through large-scale computational resources.   While bioinformatics has revolutionized our understanding of diseases such as cancer or COVID-19, there are costs associated with the computing requirements. On one hand, computational power requires financial process, but it may...

The field of microbiome-based therapeutics is flourishing. The recent approval of Seres Therapeutics’ drug, Vowst, against C. difficile infections has spearheaded the interest in microbiome-based therapeutics.    The recent development of microbiome-based therapeutics may have contributed to a rising trend of reclassifying microbiome probiotics as pharmaceuticals. The European Union (EU) is witnessing significant progress in...

Glyphosate-based herbicides have been extensively used in agriculture, mainly due to the prevalence of genetically modified, glyphosate-resistant food crops.    However, the widespread use of glyphosate has led to its detection and prevalence in water, soils, food crops, and even human urine, raising flags about its potential effects on human health. Recent studies have linked...