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How Mode Of Delivery Alters the Infant Gut Microbiome

Infant gut microbiota contribute to an array of benefits for their human hosts; digestion, vitamin production, homeostasis, immunity and the list goes on. The microbiome is first established shortly after birth, and the mode of delivery can shape colonization and dynamics of a newborn’s gut community. A recent article from BBC highlights gut microbiome differences...

Metatranscriptomics vs Metagenomics: Exploring the Difference

In the realm of microbiology, understanding the intricate workings of microbial communities has become a cornerstone of scientific inquiry. Two powerful tools, metatranscriptomics and metagenomics, have emerged as indispensable techniques for unravelling the complexities of microbial ecosystems. In this article, we delve into the nuances of these methodologies, exploring their differences, advantages, and applications.

16S vs Metagenomics: What’s the Difference?

In the captivating world of microbiology, two primary methods have emerged to study the composition, structure, and function of microbial communities: 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene sequencing and metagenomics. This article will delve into a comparative analysis of these two techniques. We will explore their fundamental principles and methodologies of each sequencing method, before looking...

Advancements in biological and biomedical research are fueled by the analysis of vast, complex, integrated datasets, made possible through large-scale computational resources.   While bioinformatics has revolutionized our understanding of diseases such as cancer or COVID-19, there are costs associated with the computing requirements. On one hand, computational power requires financial process, but it may...

New research has found a way to predict the impact of prebiotics on the human gut microbiota within days, using an ex vivo, reactor-based, high-throughput SIFR® (Systemic Intestinal Fermentation Research) technology.    In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the research, its method, and what it means for the future of prebiotic research....

Prebiotics are non-digestible food ingredients that selectively promote the growth and activity of beneficial gut microbiota, thus conferring health benefits to the host. Human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) are prebiotics that are present in human milk and selectively stimulate the growth of bifidobacteria in infants.    A new study has investigated the effects of HMOs in...

Key Metagenomics Techniques & Their Uses

Welcome to the exciting world of metagenomics! Metagenomics is a powerful tool that allows us to study complex microbial communities in their natural environments. It has revolutionized our understanding of how microbes interact with each other and their environment, and it can help us better understand many aspects of biology, from disease diagnosis to climate...