CHAMP Human Microbiome Profiler is now available in the CosmosID-HUBLearn More



A complete analysis of the microbiome should combine taxonomic profiling with functional characterization to discover the full potential of an entire community of microorganisms. However, research teams often require specialized training and extensive computational infrastructure to establish an in-house suite of tools for processing shotgun metagenomic data – and even with the right know-how, the...

Plastic particles < 5 mm are classified as microplastics. Microplastics are present in almost all aquatic ecosystems, from the Arctic to the deep ocean. Moreover, microplastics can migrate between different aquatic environments, such as lakes, seas and oceans. This environmental problem becomes a health concern when the microplastics enter into a new aquatic ecosystem where...

Introduction The advent of metagenomic sequencing has led to significant advancements in our understanding of the microbiome in a wide variety of contexts, from the human body1 to farm animals2,3, soil, and marine environments4. Each unique environment provides its own set of challenges in accurate microbial identification, including low microbial biomass in ocean samples, PCR...

A recent article from the Smithsonian Magazine highlights the importance of animal gut microbiomes in conserving animal species, both in captivity and in the wild. Microbes help animals digest their food, defend them against disease and even contribute to nursing their babies. Consequently, animal ecologists, nutritionists, and veterinarians work alongside geneticists to illuminate the role...

Mobile phones have become essential to modern-day living; they are the main communication device for two-thirds of the human population (Kemp 2020). People handle their mobile phones up to 2000 times per day, which can total up to 3h and 37 minutes (Winnick 2016). Consequently, mobile phones have emerged as a fomite that could play...