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Whole Genome Sequencing
vs 16S Sequencing


Whole-genome sequencing using NGS technology provides comprehensive genetic analysis of the entire metagenome.

Whole genome sequencing (WGS) is a comprehensive method for analyzing the entire metagenome. Whole genome sequencing is a powerful tool for microbiome research and has been instrumental in identifying crucial taxonomic and functional information. Not only can it differentiate one microbiome from another, in ways previously underappreciated, but also its impact on its surrounding environment, whether that be the human gut, soil, foods and many other environments of interest.

Though the sequencing methods are commonly associated with sequencing human genomes, the scalability and flexibility of next generation sequencing (NGS) technology has made it equally useful for the whole genome sequencing of  livestock, plants, or disease-related microbes.

Whole Genome Sequencing Advantages

Sequencing technologies such as whole genome sequencing have a number of scientific advantages including:

  • The ability to provide a base-by-base view of the entire genome in high-resolution
  • The opportunity to capture larger or smaller variants that could be missed if a targeted approach was used
  • Identification of potential causative variants for use in follow-up studies related to gene expression, genetic disorders, genetic variants and genetic regulation mechanisms
  • The deliverance of large quantities of data in short time periods that can be used to support the assembly of novel genomes

A comprehensive view of the entire genome

Whole-genome sequencing offers greater detail than targeted resequencing or exome sequencing. A comprehensive view of the genome will deliver more information for discovery applications, like identifying causative variants and assembling novel genomes.

Whole-genome sequencing is a powerful tool in the fight against disease. It can detect single nucleotide variants, insertions/deletions and copy number changes as well as large structural variations with recent technological innovations making it more efficient than ever before.


Whole Genome Sequencing Methods

De Novo Sequencing

De Novo sequencing refers to the process of sequencing a genome that has never been sequenced before. Any species may now be characterized quickly and precisely using Next Generation Sequencing technology.

Human Whole Genome Sequencing

Human whole genome sequencing has never been easier, thanks to NGS. It provides the most detailed knowledge of our genetic code available.

Large whole genome sequencing

Large whole genome sequencing involves sequencing samples greater than 5MB, and can be applicable to human, plant or animal genomes to provide useful research surrounding diseases and population genetics.

Phased sequencing

Phased sequencing, alternatively known as “genome phasing,” distinguishes between alleles on homologous chromosomes to generate whole-genome haplotypes. This data is vital in studies of hereditary diseases.

Small whole genome sequencing

Small whole genome sequencing involves sequencing the entire genome of samples less than 5MB, from bacteria, viruses or other microbes. Researchers can now sequence hundreds of tiny organisms in parallel with NGS, without the need for bacterial culture.

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